Lynn Shoulders
Supreme Treasurer & Parliamentarian
Past Supreme Inspector in Indiana
Member of the House of Gold
Grand Deputies
District 2
Pam Cohee
District 3
Lynn Brinson
District 4
Jan Lemmon
District 5
Gail Bailey
Grand Deans
Grand Deans of the Grand Officers
Grand Representative Director
Andrea McColl
Grand Dean of the Grand Cross of Color
Executive Committee
Grand Executive Committee
Bob Pressler, Chairman
Lynn Shoulders, Supreme Inspector (ex-officio)
Jan Lemmon
Debbie Pressler
Bill Shoulders, PGP
Stan Bailey
Kim Deckard, PGWA
Cindy Cohee, PGM
Angela Hensell, PGM, Secretary
Andrea Williams, PGWA
Jr. Grand Executive Committee
Crystal Hodge, PGWA
Sydney Allen, PGWA
Brooke Hensell, PGWA
Lindsey George, PGWA
Sierra Kirkley, PGWA
Allison Deckard, PGWA
Kylie Patty, PGWA
Hannah McKenna, PGWA
Destiny Slaven, PGWA
Sophia Myers, Jr. PGWA
Serenity Slaven, GWA